Privacy Statement

1. Information about the collection of personal data

(1) The following statement contains information about the collection of personal data when our website is used. Personal data are all data which concern you personally, such as your name, address, email addresses, and user behavior.

(2) The controller in accordance with Article 4(7) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is GOM GmbH, Schmitzstr. 2, 38122 Braunschweig, Germany, (see “Imprint”). You can contact our data protection officer at or write to Konzerndatenschutzbeauftragter, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 22, D-73447 Oberkochen, Germany.

(3) If you contact us by email or using a contact form, we will store the data you provide (your email address and if applicable your name and telephone number) in order to respond to your inquiry. We will erase the data provided in this connection when their storage is no longer necessary or, if any statutory retention requirements apply, restrict their processing.

(4) If we use external service providers to provide individual functions on our website or wish to use your data for advertising purposes, we provide detailed information about the relevant operations below. We also state the applicable criteria relating to the duration of storage.

2. Your rights

(1) You have the right to request the following from us in relation to personal data concerning you:

  • right to request access
  • right to request rectification or erasure
  • right to request restriction of processing
  • right to object to processing
  • right to data portability

(2) You also have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority regarding the processing of your personal data by us.

3. Registration function

We only store and process data that you provide to us and that we need in order to provide our services.

You must provide the following personal information, correctly and in full, in order to use this portal:

  • email address

For technical reasons, the following information sent to us by your browser is also collected:

  • IP address
  • data and time of request
  • time zone difference with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • content of request (specific page)
  • access status/HTTP status code
  • volume of data transferred
  • website the request originated from
  • browser
  • operating system and interface
  • language and version of browser software

Your account login details are your current email address (user name) and a password chosen by you. You can change these after you log in for the first time. Login details are stored by an external service provider in encrypted form. This ensures that neither we nor the service provider can access your password.

4. Collection of personal data when you visit our website

(1) If you use the website purely for informational purposes, i.e. if you do not register or provide us with any other information, we collect only the personal data that your browser sends to our servers. When you view our website, we collect the following data, which we require for technical reasons in order to display our website to you and ensure stability and security (the lawful basis for this is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR):

  • IP address
  • data and time of request
  • time zone difference with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • content of request (specific page)
  • access status/HTTP status code
  • volume of data transferred
  • website the request originated from
  • browser
  • operating system and interface
  • language and version of browser software

(2) As well as collecting the aforementioned data, we also place cookies on your computer when you use our website. Cookies are small text files which are placed on your hard drive and linked to your browser and which pass on certain information to the entity that set the cookie. Cookies cannot run programs or introduce viruses to your computer. They are used to make our website as a whole more user-friendly and efficient.

(3) Use of cookies:

  1. This website uses cookies of the following types, the scope and functioning of which are explained below:
    1. transient cookies (see point b)
    2. persistent cookies (see point c)
  2. Transient cookies are erased automatically when you close your browser. In particular they include session cookies. These contain a “session ID”, which allocates various requests from your browser to a common session. This means that your computer will be recognized if you return to our website. Session cookies are erased when you log out or close your browser.
  3. Persistent cookies are erased automatically after a specified period, which may vary from cookie to cookie. You can delete cookies via the security settings in your browser at any time.
  4. You can configure your browser as desired, e.g. you can set it to reject third-party cookies or to reject all cookies. Please note that you may not be able to use all of this website’s functions if you do so.
  5. If you have an account with us, we use cookies so that we can identify you on future visits. Otherwise, you would need to log in every time you visit.
  6. We use HTML5 storage objects, which are stored on your device. These objects store the necessary data regardless of the browser you use and have no automatic expiration date. To disable processing of Flash cookies, you will need to install an add-on such as “Better Privacy” for Mozilla Firefox ( or the Adobe Flash cookie killer for Google Chrome. You can disable the use of HTML5 storage objects by setting your browser to private mode. We also recommend that you delete your cookies and browser history manually on a regular basis.

5. Intended purpose of personal data

We use the personal data you provide to enable you to access our portal. 

6. Use for specified purpose only

We will collect, process and use the personal data that you provide to us online only for the purposes that we have told you about. We will not transmit your personal data to any third party without obtaining your necessary consent. We collect and transmit personal data to state institutions and authorities authorized to receive such data only if permitted under applicable law or if we are obliged to do so by an order of the courts.

7. Security

We have put in place technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against loss, destruction, manipulation and unauthorized access. Our staff and all third parties involved in processing the data have undertaken to comply with the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) and to handle personal data confidentially. To prevent misuse of personal data by third parties, any personal data collected and processed is encrypted before transmission. We revise our security measures regularly in line with changes to technology.

8. Changes to our Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to make changes to our security and data protection measures if required as a result of technical development. In the event of such changes, we will update our privacy information accordingly. Therefore, please ensure that you always refer to the latest version of our Privacy Statement.